Thursday 15 March 2007

Otis Is Growing Up / Smiths on the move

Busy Busy times in the Smith household.

For some of you it may come a bit of a shock to learn that we a relocating our little cult to Kyneton. We've been so busy handling Otis, Work, & Packing that we wont have seen many of you. And you'll all be more shocked to learn that its this weekend. We're on our way to a little cottage in Wedge street, Kyneton. Which is the first step in our Trentham tree change. We're very excited, as well as being a little apprehensive over leaving a home that has recently had so many special memories. So you all must start considering your little country sojourns and we will look forward to our outing to 'Town' to see all of you. It less than an hour away at the right time of day so don't be scared. We have been wonderfully supported by our families and I'm not sure we could have attempted this without their support.

Hard to believe that it was 3 months ago when our little man arrived. Otis has changed so much in the last few weeks its hard to know where to start. He loves a chat. When I get him up in the morning he will quite happily spend 45mins just chatting away, telling me how to do things.
Its so difficult to catch him in a smile when I take a photo now, 1 because he's so intrigued by the camera & 2 he's to busy telling me how to do it. He is sleeping a little better, will go down for little naps during the day, and is still a very healthy little man.

Beautiful Charmaine is doing amazingly. She is such an instinctive mother and I'm so proud of the way she's taken on all that this year has thrown at her. Otis is lucky to have her, and so am I.

Hope everyone is well and happy. Uncle Lucas is in town and we look forward to spending some time amongst the boxes with him over the next week.
xx Josh


Anonymous said...

Wishing you guys well with the big move to the sticks- what a wonderful adventure, can't wait to check out the new digs. Lets hope Otis doen't talk the whole way there! Lots of love, The Fowler Four xxxx

Melanie said...

Oh, he just gets cuter and cuter everytime we see him. Goodluck with the move, we are thinking of you. And we are so thrilled that Lucas is there for all the excitment.
I love how Otis is telling you how he likes things done, Coco has always been good at that herself. She now tells me to put my hands back on the steering wheel, when I can sing and can't sing and much more. It very funny. I can't wait to see how your little man grows and changes.
Much Love and Blessings,
Melanie, Phoebe and Coco xxx

Tim Robinson said...

WOW ... moving ... WOW !!

Wishing you guys all the luck in the world obviously.

Carlton North is gonna miss you.

But the plus is that there'll be more Pinot for me to drink !!

Jo said...

Hi Champs, Josh and little Otis. Good luck with your new move. Enjoy the clean country air.
Otis is a gorgeous little boy!!