Thursday 13 December 2007

Socks Visit

There is a little new neighbour who came visiting the other day call Socks. Socks is a sweet little girl who spent the afternoon with us before we found her home. Otis was impressed, if not a little hesitant.

Sunday 9 December 2007

Ishas 1st Birthday

We spent last Sunday celebrating the 1st birthday of Isha, one of Otis' speacial friends in North Melbourne. We had a beautiful day with Isha, Kate her mum, Jali her dad and thier friends and family.

Saturday 8 December 2007

Firman Girls Visit

Last weekend we were lucky enough to have a visit from our old Melbourne pals the Firmans.
Maddy, Marley & Tash called in for a little visit and an early cake for Otis.

Our Boys Growning Up

Our little man is a walker. In fact has been for some weeks. Will be one soon and we cant believe where the year has gone.

Saturday 1 December 2007

Boyd Baker House - Brett's Birthday

We were lucky enought to spend an evening in the company of Brett and a few of his nearest in the Robyn Boyd designed Baker house in Bachuss Marsh. Very speacial house.

Saturday 17 November 2007

Summer - Sunsets & Roses

Summer brings a couple of things to Kyneton. Sunsets and Roses.
The roses have been amazing this year. These came from our garden.

Sunday 30 September 2007

About the house and About bloody time we posted a new blog !!!

My baby and me hanging out at the back door in the morning sun....

Otis standing against the couch very smitten with his new legs.

Queenie stayed the night, morning cuddles and book reading.

This is one of my favourite photos of Otis

Otis loves his tucker and every meal time is a mess. In fact I think I have to change is clothes most sessions. I think letting him play with his food is important and hey!! it's fun.

A very vocal eater

So, our blogging drought excuse is.... to busy with action jackson and hate sitting in the study at night as it is cold.
The last 2 months have been busy as usual in our great part of the world.
Spring was divine as the blossoms shone pink light through the streets. Daffodils galore remind me of my childhood and the river walk looked amazing covered in smiley daffies. Baby ducks by the river, great walks and still very little sleep.

Otis is long gone on the crawling stakes and nearly walking. He is on the go big time and hard to keep up with. He dislikes being strapped in to a pram or in the car but fine once I get him in.

A little separation anxiety has set in (don't blame him really)!! 9-10 months is a classic time for this and it may last a while but this is normal and won't last forever. He sais Mumma and Dadda and makes monkey noises and movements and Dances.

very sweet age (if only sleep would come) !!! I must say that it is better but still a constant challenge. Maybe he takes after me DER !!! as I have always been a poor sleeper.

Life is good - ideas are flowing (stay posted) and stuff always going on. Brett and Lisa came to visit as did lovely aunty Beck and amazing Lonnie from Queensland.
Scotty and kate came up for a counter meal at a local pub and cousin Liam visited with Magda.
Marika and Ben for lunch with their 1 year old daughter, Beck and Simon's for dinner and a party for Dashiel (also 1).
Did some weeding last weekend and planted some basil and zucchini. cooked anzac cookies and Josh did a killer roast lamb with an orange glaze and local organic spuds from Rachel's shop.

There's heaps more and I could go on forever but I am over it and tired so will say farewell dear bloggers. We love you all so much and send big hugs and kisses. Stay in touch.

Great memories of amazing times !!!!!!! we are so blessed with this life (and I am not even religious!) AMEN

Thursday 13 September 2007

Great Nan

Ruthie meets Otis.....

How lucky we are to have 2 great Nans and what a joy that they can meet Otis and spend time with him. It was lovely to have Ruthie in our little home. She visited twice in 5 days, we ate, talked, cried even and played with Otis. She loved meeting him.

Ruthie picked him up on her own accord and looked very comfortable holding him. Thanks to Ruthie Otis has a new little bicycle. He loves it and now (3 weeks later) can walk pushing it around. His toes just touch the ground but he can not yet push himself along.

We hope that they can spend some more time together.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Belgrave Birthday bash

Phoebe focused. Gorgeous Pete Journeaux helping Coco and Sylv blow out birthday candles. Can't believe my beautiful mum is 65! and a great looking one at that. Pete has been in hospital for some 6 weeks but looks great despite an incredibly rough journey. It was a lovely afternoon of close family and friends. Amazing aunty Julie and uncle Kevin, Great Nan to Otis Eileen, Brett and MG, Susie, Carol Hynes, cousin Lucy from France, Mel, Luke and us.

I made the cup cakes for the girls to decorate, can't believe I didn't eat one as I was too busy chatting and feeding baby Otis. How divine do they look so intensely decorating !

Ace photo

The evening before Mike cooked a wicked pepper steak and we sat as we do around the family table chatting and chewing the fat and laughing and eating and drinking and being floppy.

I adore this photo....Josh and I reckon that Coco and Otis look alike, especially when Coco was a baby.

Luke and the angels..

Mel and Otis hanging out... Thanks to Mel I was able to get a break and a chat. Mel taught Otis to point and they did this ET index finger thing and yes he is still doing it..

Tuesday 11 September 2007

What Museum!!!!

3 days on from the Zoo - another outing with Phoebe and Coco and finally Mel meets Otis...
They bonded instantly. Mel is so wonderful with kids. She gave him time to watch her, feel comfortable and relaxed before she got her little paws on him.....then she never got them off !!!
It was love at first sight.

The funniest thing ever was all of us infront of the funny mirrors. Phoebe couldn't stop laughing as we all shrunk, grew big heads, little legs etc etc. If you havn't done it for a while, stand in front of one of these mirrors for a laugh.

What Museum......we were all too busy hanging out and Mel and I chatting that we didn't realty explore the Museum. The kids section is great and stimulating with heaps of interactive stuff. Check out these crocodile totally cute do Coco and Otis look.

look at these 2 love birds...Otis in his Nan's little knitted vest

Coco enjoying her hot chocolate....How sweet !!
Hanging out together was great and very special as it doesn't happen often. I wish we could see each other every week.

Sunday 9 September 2007

Planting our future

what an exciting moment as the truck pulled up to our block with 7 amazing trees that we selected from Trentham East advanced tree nursery. There was something very magical about selecting the trees which are 5 to 6 years old and cared from on an amazing property nearby. We walked around the tree farm as David tagged our selection.
It all happened pretty seamlessly really. The truck pulled up with a rough old bloke with a heart of gold. A dingo dug 7 holes in minutes / one hole would have taken us a couple of hours at least and heaps of blisters later.. Otis hung in the pram and on the rich dark soil. Breaking the soil was very satisfying as it felt like we were moving along and progressing with our life in the country.
Check out this trolley munchkin !!!!! he loved being pulled along by me while dad was pulling off the root barriers.
Had a real laugh.

Hard work!!!!! 5 hours later, Josh was knackered. I strolled to Red Beard and collected toasties and coffee with Otis. My key role was to determine whether they were in the holes straight and facing the right way.
Deciding where they were going was easy - I think the Dingo digger guy was surprised at how quickly we choose spots. Nice guy, lives 3 doors up so we can use him for the driveway when the time comes.

3 weeks later, they are healthy and budding, minus one tree that requires a bit more attention as the stakes to hold them in place are moving in the strong westerly.

Friday 7 September 2007

Cousins meet at the Zoo

Otis, Phoebe and Coco met at Melbourne Zoo for the first time ever. It was so wonderful to see them and amazing to witness that DNA bond. There definitely was an initial connection. The girls fussed over baby Otis all day and walked alongside the pram. They are so divine. Our highlight for the day was being within 1 metre from a huge silver back gorilla. Otis dropped his jaw in disbelief as one of his favourite toys at home is a monkey but not so big and animated.

Queenie and Mike Gramps packed a lovely picnic. Great to spend time together and of course to see my beautiful brother Luke.

Carrot was a gift from the girls... he loves it.

All together............such a great photo and time together.

Uncle Lucas with princess Phoebe...her legs were a little tired and the view was better.

Mike Gramps suits a pram!!!! this Japanese Garden at the Zoo was one that we used to visit as kids with gorgeous Mutti..

It was lovely being together. we love our Byron angels.