Friday 22 June 2007

Do you like my hat ?

Hi all, few pics of our little man in his new jumper, trackies and hat from Nan, very Kyneton (in the middle of winter). Pic from our visit to Geelong to see Nan & Pop a month or so ago.

Well winter is certainly hear and so far try as it might, it hasn't managed to ruin our time here in Kyneton. With all the events of the last few weeks, it has been a blessing to be able to enjoy the space and the beauty of our part of the world, and as Christie has eluded to the daylight only gets longer from here.

A few markets to get to this weekend including Trentham - as long as its not coming in sideways, but if it is we can always find a spot next to the scotch oven at "red beards' in Trentham. Its been a bit woolly, but its a great excuse for soup, stew and pies & redwine (not all at once).

Enjoy your weekend everyone, keep your loved ones near. J


Melanie said...

Yes WE LIKE your hat.
Goodbye then.

Christie said...

YES I like your hat young man, all the hats in our house keep going missing! You look very grown up sitting up like that young Otis, where has baby Otis gone!? xxxx

Jo said...

Hi champs, Ive just caught up on your blog and my goodness, Otis is so big now and so cute. And you are looking great! I hope you are all doing well up in the country, I bet its freezing (but cosy). Take care. Jo