Tuesday 17 July 2007

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.

Snow falling in our street.

Snow on the paddocks near Carlsrhue.

First Woodend exit, where did Mt Macedon go.

Car coming from Woodend near Kyneton.

Sleepy Snowman.

Its snowing! Today we woke to the text messages from locals spreading the word that snow was on the way. Sure enough by mid morning the rain started to move in slow motion and swirl around a little bit. We were looking forward to a day in town working and catching up with family, but by the time we got to the first Woodend turn off we were getting a little nervous about travelling home later this evening. With more snow forecast we headed for Kyneton to stare wistfully out the window and sip our cups of tea.


Christie said...

OMG! Snow! Otis looks so snug. Willow has been sleeping so well- 12 hours last night (she woke a 5am-ish but went back to sleep)yay! Stay safe in that crazy weather. xxxx

Melanie said...

WOW!!! I was just saying on my blog how cold we are here and I click over to find you guys in a beautiful winter wonderland.... Coco and Phoebe are so excited for you guys, they can't wait to see the snow oneday!
Otis looks so sweet and snuggly with dummy and his nanna blanket on his knees.

Jo said...

Those photos are unbelievable! Looks more like Russia than country Victoria! I hope you're all snuggly and warm.

Christie said...

Hey I hear that the little man is crawling, that'll keep you busy!