Sunday 24 December 2006

We're Home

We're home. No more buzzer. No more bossy midwives. Just the three of us. Otis seems to like his new digs. Here's a few photo's to keep you all going till next time I have more than 5 minutes to myself. Champs (the great) is doing pretty well. Still sore, as to be expected, but is feeding our little man like a trooper.
xxx love to all and merry christmas. we're going to sit back all three of us and watch the carols. j


Melanie said...

OMG he is sooooo DIVINE!!! I can't tell who he looks like, he is so beautiful you guys must be so proud. Merry Christmas we'll talk soon.

Anonymous said...

From VERY THRILLED GRANDPARENTS - known as Queenie and Mike Gramps!!!

We know it was a pretty tough time for all three and we are both proud and relieved to have such a beautifull little fellow to love and cherish.....Otis...what a spunky name.

Boxing Day....good to see all doing and looking well inspite of those two-hourly feeds and constant nappy changes. His great-grandmother, Eileen (Charm's grandmother) thinks he is absolutely gorgeous.
Much love
28 December 2006 9.40pm